Monday, April 13, 2009


Hi there! Spring is dragging its feet this week, but John and I are fighting back! We bought a Boston fern for the porch, he just bought a new grill and we've hung the American flag. So Spring had better get with the program because I want to plant some flowers. :) Speaking of Spring, when I started this newsletter it was autumn and during the cold months I basically have all the time in the world. At the time I figured that when good weather and outside chores came around I would have to cut down to every two weeks. So Phyllis and I have discussed it and think that every other week will work better for us for the time being. I imagine you are busier during this time of the year too and probably won't be sitting in front of the computer as much either. ~Toni

Patriots' Day

Patriots' Day, another tribute to the American Revolution, belongs to Maine and Massachusetts alone. The holiday commemorates the famous battles of Lexington and Concord.

It was on April 19, 1775, that Massachusetts minutemen, taking the cue from Paul Revere, William Dawes, and Samuel Prescott, took a stand against 700 British troops marching to Concord to raid a colonial weapons stockpile. As the militia was retreating, someone fired a weapon. This "shot heard 'round the world" marked the beginning of the American Revolution.

Patriots' Day is observed annually on the third Monday in April, with many companies allowing employees to take the day off. In addition to community celebrations, the holiday is marked by the running of the Boston Marathon.

On April 21, 1836, General Sam Houston led Texan troops in a surprise attack that sealed the future state's independence from Mexico. The location? The mouth of the San Jacinto River, near the present-day city of Houston. At least 600 of Mexican general Santa Anna's men were killed and more than 700 were taken prisoner in the 18-minute Battle of San Jacinto. Among Houston's 800 men, only nine lost their lives.

Texas pride abounds every April 21 as the state celebrates its independence from Mexico. The battle site is now adorned with a monument that, in true Texas style, was once the tallest stone monument in the world.

~Tips from Cheryl~

Save Squeeze-Style Containers

Reuse mustard, ketchup and other plastic squeeze bottles after they're empty. Wash and repurpose for other food products. If you buy in bulk, pour into these handy bottles.

Make Your Own TV Dinners?

If you've purchased frozen TV dinners, save the trays after eating. Reuse them to create homemade dinners. Fill each compartment with a veggie, starch and main course, freeze, and when ready to eat, heat in the oven until hot.

Different Topping for Pancakes or Waffles

Tired of using syrup? Try this: Heat chunky applesauce with a teaspoon or two of cinnamon and spoon it over waffles or pancakes. It's a healthy addition and a change too.

Towels Stiff After Washing?

This may be caused by overstuffing the washer or by a detergent buildup. To prevent, put in fewer towels, use less detergent and hotter water. Get rid of detergent buildup by washing towels in hot water with baking soda or borax and adding several cups of vinegar to the rinse water.


--The Montana Yogo Sapphire is the only North American gem to be included in the Crown Jewels of England.

--In 1888 Helena had more millionaires per capita than any other city in the world.

--46 out of Montana's 56 counties are considered "frontier counties" with an average population of 6 or fewer people per square mile.

--At Egg Mountain near Choteau dinosaur eggs have been discovered supporting the theory some dinosaurs were more like mammals and birds than like reptiles.

--Montana is the only state with a triple divide allowing water to flow into the Pacific, Atlantic, and Hudson Bay. This phenomenon occurs at Triple Divide Peak in Glacier National Park.

--Flathead Lake in northwest Montana contains over 200 square miles of water and 185 miles of shoreline. It is considered the largest natural freshwater lake in the west.

--Yellowstone National Park in southern Montana and northern Wyoming was the first national park in the nation.

--Montana has the largest grizzly bear population in the lower 48 states.

--The first luge run in North America was built at Lolo Hot Springs on Lolo Pass in 1965.

--The highest point in the state is Granite Peak at 12,799 feet.

--The Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman gained fame through the work of its chief paleontologist, Jack Horner. Horner was the prototype for the character Dr. Alan Grant in the best selling novel/movie, "Jurassic Park."

--Montana's rivers and streams provide water for three oceans and three of the North American continent's major river basins.

--Just south of Billings, Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer and his troops made their last stand. Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument features the Plains Indians and United States military involved in the historic battle.

--In Montana the elk, deer and antelope populations outnumber the humans.

--Glacier National Park has 250 lakes within its boundaries.

--Competing with the D River in Lincoln City, Oregon for the title of the world's shortest river, the Roe River flows near Great Falls. Both rivers lengths vary from 58 feet to 200 feet. The source for this small river is Giant Springs, the largest freshwater spring in the United States.

~Marie's Laughter~

There's this little guy sitting inside a bar, just looking at his drink. He stays like that for half-an-hour. Then, this big trouble-making truck driver steps next to him, takes the drink from the guy, and just drinks it all down. The poor man starts crying. The truck driver says: "Come on man, I was just joking. Here, I'll buy you another drink. I just can't see a man crying." "No, it's not that. Today day is the worst of my life. First, I overslept and was late to an important meeting. My boss, outrageous, fired me. When I left the building to my car, I found out it was stolen. The police, they said they could do nothing. I got a cab to return home, and after I paid the cab driver and the cab had gone, I found that I left my whole wallet in the cab. I got home only to find my wife was in a compromising position with the gardener. I left home and came to this bar. And when I was thinking about putting an end to my life, you show up and drink my poison ..."

Is black your favorite color? Here's what it means around the world:

--The ancient Egyptians and Romans used black for mourning, as do most Europeans and Americans today.

--The “Blackshirts” were the security troops in Hitler's German army, also known as the S.S.

--Black often stands for secrecy.

--Black humor is morbid or unhealthy and gloomy humor.

--A “blackhearted” person is evil.

--If a business is “in the black,” it is making money.

--A “blacklist” is a list of persons or organizations to be boycotted or punished.

--Black is associated with sophistication and elegance. A “black tie” event is formal.

--A black belt in karate identifies an expert.

--A black flag in a car race is the signal for a driver to go to the pits.

--A blackguard is a scoundrel.

--The ancient Egyptians believed that black cats had divine powers.

--Black lung is a coal miner's disease caused by the frequent inhaling of coal dust.

--Blackmail is getting things by threat.

--Black market is illegal trade in goods or money.

--A black sheep is an outcast.

--“Blackwash” (as opposed to “whitewash”) is to uncover or bring out in the light.

--A blackout is a period of darkness from the loss of electricity, for protection against nighttime air raids, or, in the theater, to separate scenes in a play.

--When you “black out,” you temporarily lose consciousness.

Unusual town names for Deleware:

Blue Ball
Cocked Hat
Little Heaven

For overdone pasta, put in ice water or run under cold water for a few minutes to stop the cooking process and contract the starch. Then reheat in tomato sauce--the acid will perk it up further.

Create your own social network at

Do you have a pile of old VHS tapes that you never use now? Here are some ideas to keep them out of landfills:

~VHS movies that are in good shape might be taken by your local library. I have dontated movies to mine within the last year. I would call first to check though, so in case they no longer take them you can save a trip.

~If you belong to a local Freecycle group, offer them there.

~You can mail them (using the cheaper USPS media mail rate) to Alternative Community Training. This is a nonprofit Missouri company that provides jobs to people with disabilities. Workers erase the tapes, reselling the ones that in good shape and recycling the plastic parts of the rest. Mail to: ACT, 2200 Burlington, Columbia MO 65202.

Celebrity real names...

Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. -- Douglas Elton Ulman, Jr.
Morgan Fairchild -- Patsy Ann McClenny
Donna Fargo -- Yvonne Vaughan
Jamie Farr -- Jameel Farah
Sharon Farrell -- Gretchen Helgeson
Freddie Fender -- Baldemar G. Huerta
Sally Field -- Sally Mahoney
W.C. Fields -- William Claude Dukenfield
Rhonda Fleming -- Marilyn Louis
Gerald R. Ford -- Leslie Lynch King, Jr.
Glenn Ford -- Gwyilyn Ford
John Forsythe -- John Lincoln Freund
Jodie Foster -- Alicia Christian Foster
Redd Foxx -- John Elroy Sanford
Connie Francis -- Concetta Maria Franconero

If you're needing car repair, check out to find out the price of the replacement parts for your exact model. Print out the page and bring it to your mechanic to avoid being overcharged.

A USDA-created My Pyramid just for children ages 2 to 5 at

Don't use fabric softener or dryer sheets on your cleaning rags or microfiber cloths; it reduces their ability to attract and hold dust and absorb liquids.



Hi everyone! Hope you all had a happy, blessed Easter! My favorite Easter candy is Peeps, which are low fat and have approximately 35 calories each. Here's how Peeps are made:,0,792513.photogallery

Here's a fun site especially for crafters:


1. Hot sauce...brightens up copper! Just rub it on dull copper, rinse with water and polish with a soft rag.

2. Olive brightens up wood! Apply a thin coat to rehydrate dried out wood, as long as the wood was originally treated with an oil finish. Be sure to buff the wood after applying the olive oil.

3. White removes red wine stains! To remove red wine stains, just apply white wine and blot with a clean rag to absborb.

4. Vinegar...great for cleaning brushes! Boil a cup of vinegar and let hardened bristles sit in it overnight.

5. Corn meal...good for soaking up grease! Cover a fresh stain with cornmeal, let it sit for a few hours and it should sweep right up!

Have you ever been to a "pick your own" farm? Here's a site to help you find these farms in your state;

Celebrity fans! You can find out the age of your favorite celebrity here:
Easy Five Can Casserole;

1 can (6 ounces) chicken chunks, drained
1 can (5 ounces) evaporated milk
1 can (10.75 ounces) condensed cream of chicken soup
1 can (10.75 ounces) condensed cream of mushroom soup
1 can (5 ounces) chow mein noodles

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 2 quart casserole dish. Stir all the ingredients well into a mixing bowl. Pour into casserole dish. Bake until hot and bubbly, about half an hour. Serve with a salad and crusty bread. A very easy, fast dinner!

Spring is a great time for shopping at yard sales! Here is a site to help you find yard sales in your area.

Not only is Spring a good time for going to yard sales, its also a good time to have one of your own. Not only will you clear out some clutter, but you can make a little money too if your sale is a success. Here are a few tips for having a great yard sale..

Before putting an item up for sale, first ask yourself "Have I worn it, used it, displayed it, cooked with it or read it in the past year?" If the answer is no, then this is an item you probably won't miss if you sell it to someone else.
Consider having a neighbor or friend hold a yard sale with you. A multi family yard sale usually does better business than just a single family sale. Plus, it makes it more fun to have someone right there with you on sale day.
If you can, try visiting a few yard sales in the weeks before you have your own sale. That way you'll get a general idea of how much you can ask for your items.
It might be worth it for you to advertise your sale in the local newspaper. Also, make plenty of signs. To call attention to your sale, use bright colored posterboard and black markers. Make the wording BIG so that people driving past can see it. (Don't forget to take the signs down after the sale, though.)
Make sure all the items you are selling look clean. Dirty looking items will discourage buyers. Take the time to make things look fresh.
Price each item and make it easy for customers to know what you want for each item so they won't have to ask you...but be prepared for a little haggling.
If you are selling appliances or electronics, make sure you have an outlet available so buyers can test the product to make sure it works.

Once the yard sale starts, don't just sit in a lawn chair and ignore your customers. Talk to people, but don't be too pushy. If you want, you can have a cooler of sodas for sale too.

After the sale, box up everything that didn't sell. Look online for a list of charities that offer free pickup of your items. And enjoy the proceeds from your sale!

7 Classic TV shows and what they were almost called

1. Roseanne was almost called "Life and Stuff." Roseanne herself chose that name but producers changed it to cash in on her rising popularity at the time.
2. Fraggle Rock was almost called Woozle World.
3. Married...With Children was originally meant to be called "Not The Cosby Show."
4. The Outer Limits was first called "Please Stand By". Here's a clip of the original opening sequence:
5. That Seventies Show was originally called "Teenage Wasteland", and then "The Kids Are Alright" before it finally aired.
6. Diff'rent Strokes was first called "45 Minutes From Harlem".
7. Happy Days was called "The New Family in Town" when it was first written, but the television network passed on it. It was then re-written as an episode of "Love American Style" and called "Love and the Happy Days". That episode did so well that the network agreed to take the show after all, with the new name.

Here's a site to help you find the date of upcoming religious and civil holidays around the world.

If you missed your favorite show, don't worry! Go to Television Without Pity to get recaps and more!

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